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We strive for excellence in all that we do

Social Value

Cumbria Health as a social enterprise holds social value (SV) at the core of its business, we are now on a journey of adapting and challenging ourselves to find ways to make our services more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. Cumbria Health places the patient, family and their community at the heart of everything we do, however now is the time to place more emphasis to proactively and strategically drive the change that our society needs.


  • We will embed social value throughout our services and teams, underpinning it by a clearly defined work programme. This is the right thing to do for our local population and communities, we recognise that any progress made will benefit the society and ultimately bring us one step closer to reaching the NHS long-term aims of; preventing ill health, reducing health inequalities, improving healthcare quality and improving health and wellbeing outcomes. This Social Value Strategy is in line with the Cumbria Health strategic Roadmap and Cumbria Health vision and values.

Cumbria Health is committed to:

Doctor in treatment

Social Value Strategy

Aligned with our January 2024 Value Strategy, Cumbria Health is dedicated to upholding these core values.

The Social Value Portal Framework We will monitor and demonstrate our commitment to delivering social value utilising the Social Value Portal Framework, whereby we adopt National TOMs (Themes, outcomes and measures).
  • The TOMs framework is designed to record and report social value and measure inputs, outputs, outcomes, or impact. The National TOMs record the social value generated by individual organisations.
  • Implementing recognised procedures for measuring and reporting on our Social Value outcomes and Social Return on Investment. Embed tools for monitoring, measuring and reporting on social value outcomes as part of our organisational processes.
  • Communicate our Social Value commitments and outcomes internally and externally. Apply for a Social Value Accreditation membership which will require annual reporting. Reporting on our Social Value commitments, through an annual Social Value report.
Travel achievements:
Promote and continue to provide the usage of a staff pool car Agreed a review of the approach to mileage claims to support efforts to reduce business mileage Offered staff the cycle to work scheme Supported an approach to reducing mileage claims by increasing uptake of Microsoft Teams meetings / Attend Anywhere video-conferencing
Procurement achievements:
Successfully achieved full marks in Social Value procurement questions as part of large GP procurements Embedded our CSR strategy into the procurement process Encouraged our suppliers to demonstrate their approach to CSR Whilst ensuring best practice we maximised any spends to the Cumbrian footprint
Environmental Impact achievements:
Improved recycling and waste infrastructures at Cumbria Health sites i.e. plastic, cardboard Developed a strategy to remove fax machine usage Reduced printer / paper costs LED lighting options to for ongoing refurbishment plans
Community Engagement and Involvement achievements:
Had a selected charity of the year, voted for by Cumbria Health staff and support that charity through a number of fundraising events Supported staff with requests to volunteer within third sector organisations i.e. Trustee positions with a local charity Continuously supported work experience programmes, such as the GP training scheme Continued the existence and promote the Cumbria Health Social Enterprise Community Ran campaigns throughout the year such as food bank donations / charity cake sales Develop partnerships with third sector agencies to support community development work such as Mealbank and Healthbank
Workforce achievements:
Continued to host staff away days and meetings to give staff a voice with, especially for suggestive ‘green CSR schemes’ Created a new recruitment / Cumbria Health recruitment / promotion video Reported to staff via the newsletter / meetings how their activities affect wider operation of the Cumbria Health (e.g. resource use) Continued to develop an approach to apprenticeships and work experience linked to increasing employment opportunities for young people

Social Value

Social value measures the positive value businesses create for the economy, communities, and society.